How to attract the right YouTubers to your campaign
Posted on May 14, 2018

Let’s be honest, life as a wallflower would probably be easier. Putting yourself out there can be a tough ask. Rejection hurts. And it keeps on hurting, no matter how much practice you get.
Before you get the wrong idea, what follows won’t be our sorry tale of dating nightmares – we’re more Millionaire Matchmakers than the Tinder types. Being as our job is to bring people together, we’ve observed the awkward influencer dance taking place; think of the worst pick-up line you’ve ever heard and multiply the cringe factor.
So today we’re taking action for all those brands who’ve struggled to attract the right YouTubers to their SushiVid campaigns. Here’s our do and don’ts for choosing THE ONE.
Pick an accurate campaign title
Sending out the wrong signals won’t get you anywhere. You need an accurate campaign title so that influencers can connect with you and understand your message. A great example of this was when Hermo jumped on board for their recent campaign. When listing with us here at SushiVid they used ‘Unboxing $500 worth of Korean cosmetics.’
Clear. Concise. Effective. Natalie Chai was an absolute treat in this video.
Of course, being clear and concise doesn’t mean staid and boring. If you’re launching a new app or game that needs reviews, try something a little more creative than ‘New Game – Like Flappy Bird – Needs to go Viral’. Because YouTube influencers live to be trendsetters, a better option to capture their attention would be ‘Be the first to review a potentially hit game’.
Another great example was when Shopback asked ‘Love shopping much?’ A different approach, but the intrigue it created was enough to ensure people clicked on the brief to find out more.
Make your first impression count with a good quality photo and product description
As much as we yearn for a world where it’s what’s on the inside that counts, first impressions are everything. If you want to get your brand noticed, you need to make your brief as aesthetically palatable as possible.
This advice applies no matter what you’re selling. In fact, even if you’re AXA Affin trying to build a campaign for your new cancer insurance, you’re more likely to attract influencers with an image of a healthy family or hopeful cancer patient than your company logo.
Put simply, our advice on this point would be to:
- Always choose a hi res photo;
- Always choose product photos over logos;
- Provide a description of how the product can be used for quick and easy association
Set the parameters
If you’re looking for a beauty vlogger with 5,000 subscribers to do a make-up tutorial using your products, then that’s exactly what you need to be telling the influencers. You should also be including detailed information outlining the products too.
Set realistic expectations
Working in the corporate world, you’ll be all too familiar with the bane of KPIs. But, appraisals and indicators are essential for a positive working relationship – your YouTuber will trust your brand more if they know exactly what you expect from them. It’s essential that you let them know in advance:
- Your measurement of success for the campaign;
- Your expectations;
- A justified dateline
On average, a YouTuber needs 14 days for the video to go live. This accounts for understanding and studying your brand, filming, editing and uploading for your approval.
Be human and approachable when writing a brief
Influencers are popular for their honesty and relatability. Many of them don’t shy away from editing mistakes or sharing their most hilarious moments on camera. So it bears to consider this when writing your brief. By all means, keep things professional, but just remember it’s not a robot who’ll be promoting you (unless there’s an influencer robot we haven’t heard of….)
Don’t be too corporate
Flowing from our last do, it pays to remember that most YouTubers are millennials who have shunned the corporate culture. Try using a fun, casual approach in your interactions.
Don’t change products from the brief
Remember, your influencer has the capacity to influence people. If you change the agreement you risk alienating someone with a large following and chances are they may reject the deal, cutting you off from their audience. You’ve been warned!
Don’t overlook important information
If you want you want your influencer to interact with a mascot, to include an icon, or to wear a special t-shirt, let them know. There’s little that can be done after shooting to have these vital ingredients included.
Don’t make unboxing a chore
An unboxing is your big reveal. The excitement surrounding this is almost as high as the products themselves. So send them in the prettiest way possible – otherwise it may look like your YouTuber is preparing for an unboxing battle.
Don’t be a control freak
You’ve chosen the influencer because of who they are. And who they are is what attracted their audience in the first place. This is your chance to sit back and forget about micromanaging.
While we exist to connect you with the greatest community of influencers, there are things you can do to improve your chances of finding the YouTuber who is right for you. Follow these tips, and we guarantee you’ll find the partner to elevate your brand. Check out this article to make the most of the influencer creations. As for your love life… well…
Brought to you with love and hugs -
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