How to use Influencer Marketing
Posted on May 15, 2018

When you go out for sushi, you don’t just order platter after platter of avocado maki - especially when there’s aburi tuna on the menu!
So too, when you’re branding via social media, you can’t throw all your eggs in just one influencer basket. By the same token, you can’t spread yourself as thin as an okonomiyaki and devote scarce resources to every platform. True social media wisdom comes from understanding where your audience is, and when they’re likely to seek you out. It’s for that reason that SushiVid are expanding to welcome outside influencers to our shoal.
Here’s our influencer marketing tips for how your brand can partner with the right influencer to earn your campaign a Michelin star.
Back in the days when TV advertising ruled, it was all about picking the perfect time slot and program for your advertising campaign; think of all the sugary treats you craved during Saturday morning cartoons!
The basic premise of advertising is to be where your target audience can find you. So, if your target audience are all photo aficionados, get your brand on Instagram.
The Next Web and Kissmetrics have some great advice on who should be using what, which we have summarised below in a handy infographic - yeah, we’re pretty nice like that!
Everyone – from individuals to the largest multinational corporations | |
Lifestyle, food, fashion, personalities and luxury brands | |
Fashion, food, design, travel and anything DIY; audience skews female by 4:1 | |
Snapchat | Brands selling to young consumers |
Frequency to post and time
This is one we’ve been pretty emphatic about from the start. If you want to keep your audience hooked you need to be maintaining a regular posting schedule. Just be sure that it’s one you can adhere to without too much stress.
Know what your platform does
If you’re anything like us, you probably find yourself typing the most random of your ponderings into Google. And you’re often surprised to find an answer. It’s for this reason that so many of the blogs and vlogs out there come complete with “How to…” and “Five ways that…” style titles. Needless to say, if you want people to easily find you, you need to be focusing on blogs and YouTube videos that solve problems.
On the other hand, Facebook, Vine, Snapchat and Twitter operate more as a newsfeed function. The hope is that if you post something witty, engaging or interesting enough your brand will stand out in a sea of information.
Use hashtags wisely
How might you make your brand stand out we hear you ask. Great question. Surprisingly, it largely comes down to how you use a quaint punctuation mark. Yes, the long forgotten hashtag has been experiencing a resurgence since 2007, when a Google developer first placed a hashtag in front of a word - #genius.
Used across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Google+, Vine and Pinterest, Hootsuite report that:
“The hashtag is likely the most popular means of categorizing content on social media. It makes your own content discoverable and allows you to find relevant content from other people and businesses. The hashtag also allows you to connect with and engage other social media users based on a common theme or interest.”
How you hashtag largely depends on the social network you’re using. For instance, as Knownhost point out, it’s fine to apply a liberal serve of hashtags to an Instagram photo (11 is ideal), whereas you should be a little more sparing with Twitter and Facebook (2-3).
In terms of the hashtags you use, consider what’s trending and what’s relevant to your brand’s campaign. Other factors to consider include length and not trying to be too clever.
It’s not just about the views and likes
Sure, seeing a lot of likes is a great ego boost. But engagement is the real social media holy grail. When your posts are high quality and intriguing, your fans are more likely to comment and share, meaning they’re largely doing your job for you. As Aabaco explain:
“Don’t make the mistake of thinking that someone who likes your page is a sales lead – a ‘Like’ is just the start. You will still have plenty of work to do before they become receptive to your marketing messages.”
So, be human. Start a conversation. Watch those leads roll in.
Analytics are your friend
It might sound painful, but make sure you track EVERYTHING. By measuring your social media campaign results you’ll know what was worth the investment. What worked? What didn’t? With that knowledge you’ll be able to target and focus your efforts in the right directions.
Use SushiVid
When you join SushiVid you are instantly connected with a community of influencers. Simply send a brief and you’ll be receiving campaign proposals and quotes in no time. With the metrics of each influencer side by side, you can be confident in your choice.
It really is the fastest and easiest way to connect with and find influencers.
Now, doesn't Sushivid sounds interesting already? Do check out our website for more information or check out our guide to attracting the right YouTubers to your campaign .
Brought to you with love and hugs -
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