IGLinks: Tips to Own A Mini Webpage on Instagram
Posted on November 12, 2020

Heluuuuu everyone!
We’re sure you’ve heard of IGLinks by now, our newest partnership that will make life easier for brands & influencers! We’re very proud of this new member. Below are some of things influencers are saying about IGLinks 🔥
“This is a great website!” quoted from @Sueyin619
“It makes my life easier because I don’t have to keep changing my link in bio!” quoted from @Isti.qmrh
If you aren't acquitted with IGLinks, be sure to read about it in our previous blog post - How To Maximize Your Link In Bio. We guarantee if you use IGLinks, you’ll fall in love with it too.
IGLinks has been around for a few months now and we wanted to share with you the creative ways influencers utilises IGLinks for their influencing benefits:
Entrepreneur Influencers are influencers turned entrepreneurs who now owns a brand or product after becoming an influencer. It’s very common for an influencer to dabble into entrepreneurship especially with the large amount of support from their followers they receive on a daily basis. Influencers can turn their IGLinks into a catalogue for their products. Refer to the picture below.
This is because we have made it possible for users to include pictures, descriptions and prices easily accessible when you are uploading your product. For influencers who are starting up their business, this is an extremely easy alternative to investing a large sum of money into a website. Not to mention, products can be linked to any URL you like. When your followers click the product it can direct them to your WhatsApp which will make closing sales so much easier.
IGLiinks can also strengthen your influencer portfolio for brand selection. We understand having too many sponsored postings on your Instagram is not appealing. So, KOLs tend to archive brand collaborations after they have received the payment.
But did you know, brands & agencies will refer to your sponsored brand content to analyse your portfolio before proposing a campaign to you. To avoid archiving, we recommend you to include your IG brand sponsors, YouTube channel, Blog/Website, Audition tapes/videos on IGLinks. Below is an example from Sueyin619’s IGlink. She inserted her YouTube dance videos & talent profile on her IGlinks. Just send agencies/brands your IGLinks the next time they approach you for collaborations.
IGLinks can also house all of your current on-going campaign links. The struggle of having more than 1 campaign in motion and all campaigns require you to insert Link In Bio is real. A lot of KOLs have come back to us at times on how they cannot do a campaign because their current campaign requires the Link In Bio.
We don’t want influencers to miss an opportunity to earn because of this slight issue. With IGLinks, we have provided an alternative solution for this problem. Do refer to Isti.qmrh’s IGLinks below and how she utilised her IGLInks to include a few links for Lazada. This is because she has 3 different Lazada campaigns running at the same time.
For influencers within the photography/art/fashion industry, you can turn your IGLinks into your online collection of OOTDs, travel location or your artwork. For models, you can insert OOTD description, price & even link it to where your followers can buy it.
Meanwhile, travellers can include pictures of food, places, hotels and interesting destinations they have been with IGLinks. Your IGLinks will turn into your own travel diary. If you’re an art enthusiast, you can share your artwork and even sell your artwork on IGLinks. Get creative guys, the sky's the limit. So be sure to get creative with IGLinks.
As mentioned before, IGLinks is beneficial for Fashion brands because you are able to design IGLinks as a fashion page for outfits and accessories. You can include all of the promotional & hot selling items.
You can send the IGLinks' link to your customers via WhatsApp/Telegram as well. IGLinks is not only limited to your Link In Bio. You can design it to cater to your needs. You can insert the link in your FB, LinkedIn or even Twitter post or broadcast the link on Telegram.
Refer to the sample pages below:
* https://www.iglinks.io/Fashion-Nike
* https://www.iglinks.io/Accessories-Pandora
2. Food & Beverages
After the MCO, ordering in has become a norm for most. If you are in the Food & Beverages industry, you can use IGLinks as your online menu and also insert a section for promos & discount codes. The best part of this is, all the sales closed with IGLinks are yours to keep.
3. Healthcare, Beauty
Healthcare, beauty products and events can list their monthly activities on IGLinks. Aside from that, then can also promote their product or service promos. The best use of IGLinks is to get customers to try out your service. Hence, providing a free class pass on IGLinks can also be a great method to drive up your sales & subscription.
4. Event
If your company runs a number of events or holds a number of on ground functions, you can list your events on IGLinks. An example: A Free Trial to Piano classes, Free Webinar Series.
You can list the different types of events/classes on IGLinks which will automatically direct them to your WhatsApp for sign up.
Sample page: www.iglinks.io/Updates-From-SushiVid
5. Property Agencies
IGLinks can become a realtor/agent’s best friend. Take some time to design your IGLinks with different categories and price ranges. You can also separate them into Rental or Buy categories.
You can divide them based on the house type such as studio, condo, landed house. Thus, instead of spamming potential buyers with pictures and options, you can send the IGLinks and they can browse through the available units under you. Don't worry, as we mentioned before, you can easily include your contact details at the bottom or as the Call To Action link for every unit.
There are a lot more creative ways to use IGLinks. Do you have any other great ideas? We welcome you to share with us. 😉
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