How to be a better YOU!
Posted on March 19, 2016

What motivated you to become a YouTuber?
a) The 9-5 grind had worn you down;
b) You were in search of fame;
c) You were looking to have a lark with friends;
d) A passion for creating videos and engaging with your audience.
If you answered a, b or c, we’ve got some bad news for you. While a lot of people think that becoming a YouTuber is chilled and easy because you’re not working in an office, the reality is that it’s not all fun and games.
The good news – if you answered d) that passion should see you through the associated trials and tribulations. But there’s a few other things you’ll need too. A quick guide on how to be a better you!
DisciplineWe make no secrets of the fact that getting your YouTube break can be hard work. But hey, if it was easy everybody would be doing it!
While the thought of working from home and staying in your pyjamas until noon can be pretty enticing, the truth is that your career can fester without a routine. With no boss to, well, ‘boss’ you around, you need to be your own master and ‘Wax on, wax off’ so to speak.
And it’s not just your days you will need to schedule, but also your publishing. Sticking to a regular and consistent schedule, no matter how tired you are, is essential to growing your audience.
Plan for the future
This is a loooooooooooooooooooooong grind. And like a start-up, you need to think far and wide. Create a content plan, create viewer and subscriber targets, a list of companies to approach… anything that keeps you thinking of the end game.
Provide value
Time to get all existential and ask yourself what is the point of what you’re doing? Are you looking to make people laugh? To inform? To share life experiences or a skill that you’ve mastered? Whatever it is, choose a mandate you’ll be able to fulfil, even when the creative juices are running a little dry. Remember that as a YouTube influencer, your role will be to recognise and promote trends, before they’re even trends.
Still not sure of what to do? Here’s some tips to keep them hooked.
Run a business
If you are wanting to do this full-time, you need to run your YouTube career like a business. You see, as Fusion reports, for every Pew Die Pie success story, there’s another Brittany Ashley waitressing on the side to get by.
Before you give up your day job, consider what you will do to make ends meet while you’re waiting for the pay cheques to come in? Thankfully, our ‘beloved’ government has set up some microfunds to help young creators. Check them out at Pitching Centre.
Be open to learning
Even if you have an amazing screen presence, you still need to learn editing, lighting, scriptwriting, the ever evolving ins-and-outs of Google, marketing, sales… EVERYTHING!!!
In order to help our shoal of sashimi grade talent flourish, we have teamed up with Arte Academy and hosted our first ever masterclass! We are trilled that we got to meet so many young and talented YouTubers that day! Hopefully we'll get to arrange another one soon ;)
Be brave
Okay, so you’re not quite the Biebs, but the day you chose to be an influencer was the day you relinquished your personal life. People will be watching you. People will be following you. People will respect you. They will want to be like you – the clue is after all in the title!
It’s a huge responsibility, but one you should cherish. After all, it’s your subscribers who have the power to make or break you so be sure to engage with them. If people ask you questions, answer them. At the end of the day it’s not about how many videos you make, but how many people you connect with. In fact, Vlog Nation cite socialising with your subscribers as one of the key ways to enhance your online success.
Hopefully you’re still reading and we haven’t scared you all away, but there’s just nothing like a bit of tough love and a reality check to steer you on the path to success.
Keep these thoughts in mind and you should be well on your way to the influencer stratosphere or if you're a seasoned vet, check out how effective of an influencer you are.
Brought to you with love and hugs -
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