9 Types of sponsorships for influencer marketing
Posted on December 22, 2015

At SushiVid, we understand that YouTube sponsorships and endorsements can get a little confusing. So, we've put together a short post that illustrates some of the different types of sponsorships that you could consider for your next video campaign!
1. Review
A review is when a YouTuber will give their genuine take on your product; this will include the pros and also cons. You will choose this type of video because you want unbiased opinions from the YouTuber and you would like to tap into the YouTuber’s viewer base. These types of videos are usually relied upon when a viewer intents to make a purchase.
The example video is a review of 3 different cars, put against each other. The review doesn’t come off straight as a direct advertisement because they do compare each other and talk about the features of the car they like as well as the features they did not like. This is purely based on the YouTuber’s personal preferences and does not necessarily reflect badly on the product.
Even though the video is about comparing 3 cars, did you notice that Petronas was mentioned a couple of times and certain scenes were also shot in Petronas? This is an example of a multiple sponsors video. While both brands shared the video, they were a different kind of sponsorship. Petronas’ sponsorship is a Mention.
2) Mention
If your brand isn't related to the YouTuber’s videos directly but you still wish to tap into their subscriber base, a mention would be most suitable. A mention can take place at the beginning, middle or end of the YouTube video; encouraging the viewers to check out your company/website, sign up, buy your products or to use your services. It could even be as simple as a product placed on the table throughout the video.
In the above example, you will notice that at the end of the YouTube Video, TheMingThing, gave a special shoutout to Digi. It could be as simple as that.
3) Tutorial
A tutorial video usually cover how to use a product. It is usually demonstrated in a step-by-step format. How to install a software, how to tie a ponytail, how to wrap a present.
In the example above, The YouTuber demonstrates how to achieve a look and because it is a combination of many products, your product may not be the only one in the video.
4) Haul
YouTubers normally posts hauls after a fruitful day out shopping and shares their purchases with their viewers. These kinds of videos are highly requested. It can be offline or online purchases. The YouTuber will talk about what they liked about the product, where they purchased it and how much the product costs.
The example video above showcases the kinds of stationeries the YouTuber has purchased for school. This would appeal to the kids who are going back to school and wants to know what the “cool” kids are getting.
If the video was not a paid sponsorship video, the YouTuber inadvertently promoted the stores and brands for free. These kind of videos are sought after because the reactions are genuine. After all, who doesn’t love their new things?
5) Favourites
A favourite is when a YouTuber showcases the products that they really like and explains in greater detail of why they liked it so much. It is almost similar to a review video, but a favourite video means the YouTuber absolutely endorses the product and viewers would most likely buy the product because of the positive review.
This YouTuber Vivian is a fashion and beauty guru, but she includes non fashion or beauty products into her favourites like the selfie printer and nike shoes. We recommend this type of videos only if the YouTuber personally experienced and loves your product.
6) Giveaway
At the end of the video, the YouTuber holds a giveaway where the viewers are asked to complete a few tasks to stand a chance to win a product (presumably by you). The good news is, the product does not have to be related to the video at all
In the examples above, YouTuber Natalie Chai did a giveaway to her Subscriber where they only have to finish a few really simple steps to stand a chance to win one pack of Mask! I mean... Who doesn't like free stuff xP
7) Product Placement
Typically the products are just placed in a strategic part of the video and the YouTuber does not explicitly talk about the product.
This short film video by Shazreen was about fear but there are shots that concentrate on the watches. The watches are products that are placed strategically in the shot.
8) Event Coverage
The YouTuber will attend your event and will share their experience in video either during or after the event. The vlog is then uploaded onto their channels to raise awareness of your event or product launch.
Skin Inc recently invited a few beauty gurus to Singapore to attend their first Beauty Hackathon and their 8th Anniversary Party. Inviting YouTubers gets the event and product more coverage as the Youtuber will vlog about it.
9) LookBook
Fashion YouTubers carefully puts together a look with a mix of different fashion pieces and accessories. People generally like these kinds of videos because it gives them an idea of what look they wish to achieve in their outfit.
This video is a lookbook for date outing. Throughout this video, the YouTuber highlights each piece in the outfit and inserts the details of the brand.
So, if you're thinking of doing some sponsorship videos via YouTube, sign up to SushiVid or check out the types of videos people watch on YouTube.
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