Nisha Ezzati hits you like Wasabi - Featured Influencer
Posted on February 4, 2016

She’s smart, political, applies eyeliner like a boss and can flip an omelette without “messing up her life.” While Nisha specialises in make-up tutorial videos, she also delves a little deeper, sharing recipes, suggesting eczema treatments and talking about the insidious problem of internet trolls. Fair to say that this self-confessed “crazy cat lady” has got it going on in abundance, with a sweet smile and quirky personality to boot!
Balancing her work as a tutor with a burgeoning career as a YouTube influencer, we were honoured that Nisha was able to spend some time with us at SushiVid. And we are of course delighted to name her our Maki of the Month.
caption – can we get an invite… PLEASE!
Here we get an insight into the life of our future BFF, in her own words:
SV: What made you decide that you wanted to be on YouTube?
NE: I've been asked on Twitter a lot on how I do my makeup and hijab and it was kinda hard to explain everything there, so I decided to upload videos YouTube. My YouTube channel was initially meant for my Twitter followers only and for them to get to know about me better and for me to interact with them. I am very close to them and share with them almost everything about my life!
SV: Which YouTuber do you idolise and why?
NE: I really look up to Faa Firds! Not only is she one of the few successful YouTubers in Malaysia, she is also my best friend. She continuously teaches me everything I need to know about the business side of social media. She even taught me how to reply to emails! :p I am really grateful to be able to get to call a very famous YouTuber my best friend :)
SV: Okay, we’ve thrown in a few random questions so our audience can get to know you better… Pick one of :)
KFC or McDonalds?
>NT: McDonalds! Definitely. The only thing I order there is Fillet o Fish.
Movie: Romance or science fiction?
I am a huge movie junkie! I am also a movie snob :p It really depends on my mood, as for now I think I'd go with romance. Preferably 90's rom-com!
Holiday: Beach or city?
I will forever be a city girl but lately I've been itching to go on a beach getaway...
Taste: Sweet or savoury?
I’m not really a sweet tooth so I'd go with savoury!
Can't live without: Handphone, car or wallet?
Can I pick all three? :P Okay if I had to choose, I think I'd pick my handphone... Need. To. Tweet.
SV: As a tip for any YouTube newbies, what was the hardest thing when you were growing your subscriber base and what helped?
NT: Satisfying everyone. I welcome constructive criticisms but a few were really mean and posted hurtful comments disguised as 'advices'. I later learned that not everyone is going to like you; they may not like the way you carry yourself, and in this case, how you do your videos and that's okay if they don’t. Don't be too hard on yourself. Improve what you can and ignore the unnecessary hateful comments!
With her head firmly screwed on, Nisha Ezzati is one fun and talented Malaysian YouTuber to watch out for. Good luck Nisha!
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