[Proposal Series] Shopping at Johor Premium Outlet anyone?
Posted on May 5, 2018

Johor Premium Outlet. The best place for an ultimate shopping experience. How do Influencers play a part in making this experience reality? Keep on reading to find out more!

Johor Premium Outlet (JPO) campaign was an interesting one to create because it was a cross border campaign between Singapore and Malaysia.
We had to approach Influencers from both countries and from different platforms to ultimately create a collaborative content which would be interesting and fun to watch.

JPO is known as one of the best places to shop especially when it comes to high fashion brands like Calvin Klein and Armani. Whether you're looking for clothing, accessories or household items, JPO has it all.
What better way to experience shopping than with fellow fashionistas! You have to admit, as much as we deny it, we girls love a good shopping day.
Our idea was to have a kind of 'rombongan' as they say in Malay, in other words, an entourage where we group 20 influencers and do a trip to Johor staying at a 5-star hotel, dine at a hipster restaurant and the best part of all a shopping spree after!
The best kind of pyjama party, ever!

Our main goal for this campaign was to bring more visibility to this premium outlet mall because JPO isn't really the first outlet that comes to mind when thinking of a shopping place. We wanted to make JPO the go-to shopping destination.
When we travel overseas we would always allocate a day just to explore the premium outlets those countries have to offer- just to see what they have that our country doesn't. Even so, why do we take the time to do this? Because those premium outlets are visible as it's widely talked about or seen in movies that it makes you eager to visit it when you're actually in the country.
However, that doesn't apply to JPO and that is what we were trying to accomplish- visibility. What should we do when tourist come to Southeast Asia? Take them to Johor Premium Outlet!
The most convenient tourist to target? The Singaporeans because we're literally just a bridge away.
We are taking advantage of this by using Influencers to remind the public that shopping in Johor Premium Outlet is worth making the weekend drive!

Since it's a collaboration of some sort between Influencers from Singapore and Malaysia, we wanted them to get to know each other a little before the actual shoot takes place. To do that, we planned on throwing an awesome ice-breaker gathering and the set up would look something like the picture above.
No gathering would be complete without a selfie table full of props!

The plan was to pair the Influencers in teams of two for this 2-day trip- a 'Shopping Buddy' strategy to create collaborative content.
Influencers love a good collaboration especially when it's with an Influencer from another country. Opportunities like this don't come knocking everyday. It will also benefit the Influencers as it'll drive their audiences to each other's channel/page and potentially increase their engagement- a win-win situation
Each influencer will be given a sum amount of allowance for them to shop in JPO for themselves as well as their contents later on. We gave them time to discuss and brainstorm content ideas with their partners on arrival day and shopping will be done the following day.
We hoped that the ice-breaker gathering before the trip would allow them to be more comfortable with each other and make it less awkward. Who wouldn't be a little shy when having to work with someone they've never met for the first time?

Here at SushiVid we give content creators freedom to create any kind of contents they prefer, as long as it's within proper boundaries of course.
Even so, a couple ideas that Influencers can use for their collab contents are haul videos where they would use the amount given to shop and do a video on what they bought or a kind of challenge during the shopping. Something along those lines as long as there's a call to action button to visit JPO during off-peak season for their own convenience and comfortable shopping experience.

As for our lovely Instagrammers, a post or two of their time there and maybe even a haul picture of what they bought would surely excite their audience as they are ever so curious to see how their favourite idols spend his/her day. Not forgetting to caption their experience and mentioning the outlet as well!

Some may prefer a more detailed story on how the shopping experience was so we approached bloggers as well to have them spend a day at JPO.
The blogpost would contain the first impressions and of course how their shopping experience was. Just like the youtubers, they would put emphasis on the off-peak periods to allow the audience to have a more comfortable shopping experience.
We believe blogs are still very relevant because we, ourselves, would try to find articles/blogs whenever we go travel overseas or at least check out a person's social media to get an idea of what we should expect when we travel- also to find places to eat or stay. Therefore, these blogs would definitely be useful to those who are in need of an opinion.

These are samples of Influencers that we planned on approaching.
Fellow lifestyle and beauty Influencers with a passion for fashion. They're young, beautiful, fun and always up for a day of shopping!
We had so many more ideas we planned on incorporating if we got the deal with JPO. Sadly, we didn't get the deal so this was as far as our ideas went.
We are always ready and up for a challenge and overall to ensure that Influencers would have fun while on the job!

Check out our other Proposal Series here!
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