[Proposal Series] Innershine
Posted on May 6, 2018

Beauty isn't only on the outside- it's on the inside too. Let your inner beauty shine with Innershine!

Innershine- a health and beauty supplement that has to be taken consistently for a long-term period for lasting benefit. Best thing about Innershine? It comes in different flavours, berry essence and their latest one prune essence.
You might have heard the supplement Essence of Chicken by Brands- what parents made children take to get 'smarter'.... yup, I was baited when I was younger too.
Innershine is another range of product by Brands and we're grateful for the opportunity to create a campaign for them.

Our main goal is to make Innershine the go-to brand whenever someone plans on buying a health supplement. We want to show the audience that it doesn't take much effort to use this supplement and that by nurturing your inner beauty, it will ultimately shine through on the outside as well.
Inner health is just as important as physical health.

PSA to all women out there: It's time to step-up and embrace your inner beauty!
In terms of concept, we wish to empower women to embrace themselves and feel beautiful in their own skin. There is no need to chase the unattainable beauty standard society has set as everyone is unique and beautiful in their own way.

For instagram posts, the caption will include a hashtag specific to this campaign. We believe in the use of Hashtags and if we are able to execute this properly, it can really take off. We wanted something localized and something that Malaysians will understand.

How we plan on executing this plan is by running a short-term ambassadorship with the influencers where each will post a total of 6 Instagram posts and end it with an Instagram video.
We want Innershine to be the star of the picture but in a more classy way. Rather than just posting holding the products and captioning it. Each post will display a moment in their daily routine- what the activity means to her and how it makes the day beautiful.
Innershine is all about enhancing everyone's inner beauty!

The second and final part of the execution is having bloggers write up about this campaign.
Each blogger will do two blog posts- the first will be about the products itself like the taste, texture, and flavour ...etc. The second post will be about the results after consumption. Bloggers are the best way to support this campaign as they can elaborate more on the product and their experience with it.

Eight Instgrammers and four bloggers were approached for this campaign where each Instgrammer will post six pictures and one video which will also be linked to their Facebook Page- a total of 48 FB shares.
Getting the most out of the 3 platforms we've chosen.

Because the posts were in a story-like timeline, we ensured to provide weekly reports of any progress- any new content or changes to the original proposal. It will also allow us to keep track of the current postings and whether or not it follows the flow of the concept.
Like our proposal? Tell us what you think by writing to us at [email protected]
Or read another of our favourite proposals here

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